Flag Tool for Sport

Do you ever wonder if a behaviour is okay or not?

This anonymous tool can help you figure it out and give you ideas about what to do next. We won’t share your answers with anyone or collect any information about you.

All behaviours lie somewhere on the spectrum between “totally ok” and “seriously not ok”, and this tool can help you figure out where on that spectrum a behaviour might be. It’s possible that two people could get different results when assessing the same behaviour – that’s alright, it’s an opportunity to have a discussion and figure things out together using the Flag Tool as a framework.

Please Note: The Flag Tool is intended as a quick reference and is not meant to be exhaustive or to replace legal advice.

How the Tool Works

  1. Think of a situation or behaviour (real or hypothetical) in a sport setting.
  2. Answer six multiple choice questions and four YES/NO follow-up questions about the situation. This should take less than five minutes.
  3. The outcome is a Flag Colour that is based on your perception of the situation so please answer honestly.
  4. The result can fall anywhere along a spectrum of acceptableness:

Results and Next Steps

  1. The Flag Tool then explains what you could do about the situation and guidance on how to do it.
  1. Try it as many times as you want with different situations or behaviours to learn more about safety in sport.
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Part 1 of 2

Question 1 of 6

Was there consent?

Consent: A behaviour is only okay if everyone clearly agrees and is comfortable with it. Was there individual or group agreement for the behaviour?

Part 1 of 2

Question 2 of 6

Was it voluntary?

Voluntary: Did everyone have a real choice to participate or not, and feel they could say stop at any time? Sometimes people can feel pressure from others to take part in something, and can say 'yes' even when they don't really want to participate.

Part 1 of 2

Question 3 of 6

Was there equality?

Equality: Was there equality between all participants? Inequality between those involved can be due to a difference in age, number of people, knowledge, intelligence, power, function of position, life experience, and maturity. In bullying situations, there is always inequality to the disadvantage of the victim. Adults in authority (i.e. coaches, managers) are always in a position of power, but this can still be 'green' if it is not a factor in the behaviour.

Part 1 of 2

Question 4 of 6

Was it in context for sport?

Appropriate for the sport context: Did the behaviour fits within the roles and responsibilities of each person within the sport environment? For example, if someone uses contact information they got from a sports team to reach out to someone personally, that's out of context. Another example would be someone in authority giving personal gifts to only one athlete on their team.

Part 1 of 2

Question 5 of 6

Was it developmentally appropriate?

Appropriate for development or age: Was the behaviour appropriate for the age and level of development stage of the people involved? For adults, was it appropriate for their level of functioning if they are a person with a disability?

Part 1 of 2

Question 6 of 6

What was the impact?

Impact: What was the impact of the behaviour? Was there physical, emotional, cultural, or spiritual harm done to others or to themselves?

Part 2 of 2

Section 1 of 1

Follow up questions

Was there intimacy or sexual touch?

Did the behaviour happen more than once, or did it last a long time?

Did the person realize that the other person was feeling annoyed or scared?

Did the person realize that the other person was being hurt?